Some claim to be pens, but are actually polishes with long thin brushes. Make sure you actually get what you want! This article will help you make an educated purchase so you end up with the perfect tool for you!
What are your options?

There's a few different brands out there that are pretty well liked, one is Migi. They are a two way nail art pen, meaning they have a brush (in this case a normal size brush) and a pointed tip. They have a great selection of colors, and what makes Migi really unique is that they offer free refills and free replacements. Talk about service! You can buy them in sets of 8 colors for $24.99 from the Migi website, or sometimes you can find
a good deal on Amazon
. I haven't tried them, but everything I've heard has been positive.

If you live in the UK, your best bet is Nails Surpreme
Nail Art Pens. Sophie from The Illustrated Nail uses them, what more do you need to know!? They're very high quality and have the same brush/nib style as Migi. You can get a set of 8 for just under £20, so they're still pretty affordable. They also include a fun set of instructions and ideas of stuff to do with them.

Another good option in the UK is the Model's Own pens made in collaboration with Wah Nails. They're also two way style and they're easy to find in most Boots stores or Topshop. I found them in Guildford...they're out there if you look! They're £6 each so if you want loads of colors, it's more cost effective to go for the supreme ones.

One brand that I have tried and really do not recommend is the Cina pens from Sally Beauty. They have a tip similar to a felt tip marker...far too thick for what I need. You have to shake it and press down the tip to get the polish flowing, and once it is it tends to come out in huge globs all over your finger. What a disaster! Steer clear of this one! I've also heard some pretty bad stuff about the Sally Hansen ones in the same style as Cina, but I've never tried them.

nail art pens I'm currently using are from Ebay, from one of the many online nail retailers based in China. They were about $5 with free delivery and they are very average. Most of the colors are opaque (although I got a couple of duds in my pack of 16) but the polish smells terrible and the long brushes aren't cut well. The tips work perfectly, the polish flows really nicely and I'm totally re-filling them with my own colors! If you're on a super-budget they're alright, but Migi or Supreme is better if you can splurge!
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